Monday, February 18, 2008

English Tongue Twister: Betty Botter Bought Some Butter

This English tongue twister tells the story of a woman called Betty Botter who wanted to make some pancake batter.

Eleven of the end words have a letter missing. In each case, is it "a", "e", "i", or "u"?

Betty Botter bought some b-tter,
"But," she said, "the butter's b-tter;
If I put it in my b-tter,
It will make my batter b-tter;
But a bit of better b-tter,
That would make my batter b-tter."
So she bought a bit of b-tter,
Better than her bitter b-tter,
And she put it in her b-tter,
And the batter was not b-tter;
So 'twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better b-tter.

batter x 2
better x 1
bitter x 3
butter x 5

Check here for the correct solution and listen to a recording of the tongue twister!

David Hurley

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